
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Amazing Ancient Archeological Artifacts – Klaus Dona

By Apollo

Klaus Dona shows you not just out-of-place artifacts but in a series of several hundred slides he shows you fairly conclusively that humankind’s history is a great deal more complex than it has been made out to be.

The two artifacts in this slide show that stood out the most for us were an ancient pyramid with a seeing eye carved on top and boulders found deep in a cave that had an ancient map of the world carved on them.

The boulder-map is thousands of years old and clearly shows a fairly accurate depiction of the world, from what we could tell. Interestingly, the map shows two extra continents, one between the US and Europe – supposedly Atlantis (whatever that is) – and another lengthy, narrow continent between Japan and Australia. This latter continent has long been the subject of conjecture in Japan, though we’d never heard of it before.

The carving of the pyramid with the single eye is proof to us that Illuminati symbolism precedes Egypt by thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years. We’ve reported previously that Jewish sub-sects have been tracked in India to 20,000 BC and there is no reason to believe that other current “knowledge” and culture are not similarly ancient.

Dona also shows us over and over writing that appears on ancient artifacts – writing that is thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years old. Pre-Sanskrit he calls it.

Incredibly, impossibly, there are people who supposedly can translate (like everything else, we have to take his word for it) this ancient script and Dona has been in contact with them. He actually reads the inscriptions on several artifacts to explain what they may have been and why they were created.

We see in the slide show elongated, cone-head skulls that are seemingly not human. These cone-head-shaped skulls were present among Egyptian royalty and also in South America. They are associated with giganticism. Dona makes a pretty good case for giants, as well.

We don’t know who is Dona is – not beyond several brief descriptions. And we certainly won’t vouch for all his strange and ancient artifacts, or even their dating.

But there are too many of them that we recognize from other legitimate contexts. Alongside so much seeming new – and seemingly legitimate – material, the evidence for a complex and fascinating pre-history becomes overwhelming.

There were perhaps not one but two or three ancient civilizations of intermediate or great sophistication. The constant circular structure of ancient religious sites offers speculation that these were methodologies to generate energy of some sort, perhaps via Tesla’s telluric Earth currents.

Ancient cultures used stone circles and then Civilization X refined and enlarged the circles by finding the pyramid form that generated this electricity more efficiently and on a vast scale. In other words, if you step back, you can see the evolution of this sort of energy complex.

Since modern anthropology doesn’t even entertain the idea of civilizations that were 10,000 or 20,000 years old, it is difficult to gain a timeline for all of this information. But many of the circles appear in South Africa, where human beings supposedly started out, so one can draw certain speculative conclusions.

In an hour-and-half with a simple slide show and grainy images, he changes the texture of your mentality and shows you conclusively there is more to our past, times and lives than we know.


1 comment:

  1. You are spot on in your summary of Klaus. I ran across him about 3 years ago and he has enlightened me on more mysteries than all of television documentaries and internet research combined. Truly an amazing man and I hope to see him get more exposure of his fascinating collection.
